4 Key Ways Meal Plans Can Save Your Clients Money

budget friendly food cost effective meal plans Dec 20, 2023
how meal plans can save your clients money

As a much younger dietitian, I once spent hours crafting what I thought was an amazing meal plan for a client who requested one. So naïve was I, that I thought the client would return at our next appointment simply to praise my meal planning skills. I thought she would be showering thanks upon me for transforming her health through this one glorious meal plan. The client certainly returned, however, her praise for me was lacking. Instead of bringing the meal plan back in a gold-plated frame to preserve its brilliance, she basically ripped it up in front of me, and threw it on my desk. My pride lay scattered across the desk with each torn-up piece.

I asked the seemingly obvious question, “Was there something wrong with the meal plan?” The client’s response was “How would I know, I couldn’t afford any of the ingredients!”


As the festive cheer of Christmas surrounds us, it's not just the jingles and joy that are on the rise, but also the expenses. In this season of giving and celebration, our clients often face the dual challenge of managing increased holiday expenses while setting health-focused New Year's resolutions. As nutrition professionals, we can provide invaluable support through strategic meal planning.

A meal plan can not only help our clients to get their health back on track after the festive season, but also help them to save some pennies along the way. There are 4 key ways a meal plan can save a client money. Don’t be like the younger, naïve dietitian Chris; understand these key points when crafting your client’s meal plan and save them money, even after they’ve paid you for the service.

Here are 4 ways a meal plan can save your clients money:

1.Recipes with Budget-Friendly Ingredients: Utilizing cost-effective ingredients in recipes is a straightforward way to reduce food expenses. Here are 20 wallet-friendly and nutritious options:

  1. Lentils: A great source of protein and fibre, versatile in soups, stews, and salads.
  2. Beans (Black, Pinto, Kidney, etc.): Nutrient-rich and perfect for a variety of dishes.
  3. Brown Rice: A whole grain that pairs well with a variety of foods.
  4. Oats: Great for breakfasts and baking, oats are filling and nutritious.
  5. Canned Tomatoes: Useful for sauces, stews, and soups.
  6. Eggs: A versatile protein source, good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
  7. Frozen Vegetables: Affordable, nutritious, and have a long shelf life.
  8. Bananas: Inexpensive fruit, great for snacks or adding to breakfasts.
  9. Sweet Potatoes: Rich in nutrients and can be cooked in many ways.
  10. Carrots: Good for snacking, soups, and side dishes.
  11. Spinach: Can be eaten raw or cooked, rich in vitamins.
  12. Chicken Thighs: Less expensive than breast meat and more flavourful.
  13. Tuna (canned): A budget-friendly protein, great for sandwiches and salads.
  14. Whole Wheat Pasta: A healthier alternative to regular pasta, pairs well with various sauces.
  15. Apples: A versatile fruit for snacking or cooking.
  16. Greek Yogurt: High in protein, can be used in smoothies, as a snack, or in cooking.
  17. Peanut Butter: A good source of protein and healthy fats.
  18. Cottage Cheese: High in protein, can be a breakfast option or a snack.
  19. Chickpeas: A protein-packed legume, great in salads or casseroles.
  20. Cabbage: Inexpensive and versatile, good in salads, stews, and stir-fries.

Click this button for a free Canva template of the budget-friendly healthy foods image above. 

2. Leftovers in the Meal Plan: By designing meal plans that factor in leftovers, we can help clients utilize all their purchased food. This reduces waste and provides ready-to-eat options, preventing the need for additional spending on unplanned meals. In MEAZLZEE you can drag and drop meals to create leftovers. When ever you drag a meal, a small ‘MP’ box will appear to indicate whether the meal was ‘Meal Prepped’. If you check this box, the serves are adjust at the original and leftover meal to demonstrate this was a meal prepped meal.

3. Preventing Takeaway Temptations: A well-structured meal plan reduces the temptation to opt for takeaways when clients are unsure of what to cook. By having a plan in place, they can save significant amounts usually spent on more expensive, often less healthy, dining options. The average household spends between $50-100 per week on takeaway. If you can save your clients even half of this money, there’s enough leftover for a gym membership.

4. Shopping Lists to Curtail Impulse Buys: Providing a detailed shopping list based on the meal plan can help clients stick to the essentials, avoiding impulse purchases that add up at the checkout. This focused approach to grocery shopping ensures that they buy what they need, aligning with their health goals and budget constraints.

During the Christmas season, when expenses can escalate, having a budget-friendly meal plan is invaluable. Not only does it help in managing food costs amid holiday shopping and celebrations, but it also sets a foundation for a healthy and financially conscious New Year.

As nutrition professionals, our role extends beyond just advising on healthy eating. By incorporating cost-effective strategies like budget-friendly ingredients, efficient use of leftovers, reducing takeaway dependency, and focused grocery shopping, we can significantly alleviate our clients' financial stress. This holiday season, let's empower them with the tools for a healthier, more budget-conscious lifestyle.

Embrace these money-saving strategies in your meal planning services today. Help your clients enjoy a festive season that's as kind to their wallets as it is to their health. Let's make this Christmas and the upcoming year a time of financial savvy and wellness!


Test drive MEALZEE the time-saving meal-planning solution for health professionals. 



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