Unlock the Full Potential of Your Nutrition Business with MEALZEE

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A dietitian charting calories next to a bowl of various fruits.

The Challenge You Face:

As a dedicated nutrition and fitness professional, you're committed to achieving remarkable results for your clients through expert nutrition programming. Yet, the daunting task of creating quality, customized meal plans and recipe eBooks consumes far too much of your valuable time. And like many in your field, you're caught in the conundrum of trading time for money, limiting the growth of your profitable nutrition business.


Your Solution for Efficiency and Profitability

Welcome to MEALZEE - the groundbreaking platform where meal plans and recipe eBooks are created in seconds, not hours. Imagine the convenience of delivering professional, tailored meal plans to your clients with just a few clicks. With MEALZEE, what you charge for just one customized meal plan per week can easily cover the cost of even our premium subscription – and then some. It's not just about breaking even; it's about profiting from day one.

A mockup of the MEALZEE user interface.

Simple Steps to Success with MEALZEE:



Create Your MEALZEE Account

Click on the sign-up button and join the revolution.


Discover MEALZEE's Potential

Book a personal demo or explore our how-to videos in the support tab.


Start Creating and Earning

Quickly generate meal plans and recipe eBooks, adding significant revenue to your business.


The Cost of Inaction:

If you continue to rely on time-intensive, traditional methods of meal planning, not only will you lose precious hours, but you'll also miss out on a significant revenue stream. The opportunity cost is too high – whether it's the earnings lost in crafting these plans or the decision to not offer this service at all due to its complexity.

A happy MEALZEE client.

The Reward of Action:

By integrating MEALZEE into your business, you'll experience the ease and speed of providing top-quality nutritional guidance. This efficiency isn't just a time-saver; it's a game-changer. Watch your client retention and cash flow soar as you offer an enhanced service that sets you apart from the competition.

Take the First Step Now:

Don't let another day pass by under the weight of inefficient meal planning. Click on the sign-up button, create your MEALZEE account, and start transforming your nutrition business today. With MEALZEE, the path to greater client satisfaction and increased profitability is just a click away.


At MEALZEE, we are firm believers in reducing food wastage and helping those in need. For that reason, we have partnered with the amazing organisation that is OzHarvest. OzHarvest is a leading food rescue organisation on a mission to ‘Nourish our Country’ by stopping good food from going to waste and delivering it to charities that help feed people in need.

At MEALZEE we support this mission. For every MEALZEE subscription, we cover the cost to deliver two meals to people in need. So to all our MEALZEE subscribers, we say THANK YOU.