The Meal Plan Debate: Are You For or Against?

meal plans Nov 17, 2023

As a dietitian who has ventured into the world of meal planning software, I find myself amidst a swirling debate: Should health professionals, specifically those in nutrition, provide meal plans to their clients? Throughout social media, I have witnessed discussions regarding this matter with divisions in our community. Some are for meal plans, while a vocal faction opposes the practice. However, I firmly believe that meal plans are not just beneficial, but essential in our service repertoire. This does not mean all clients need a meal plan, but the option to have one if desired is crucial.

Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room: Yes, I have developed a meal planning application. No, this isn't a sales pitch. I did not develop MEALZEE on a whim. I did not invest thousands of my own money just for the sake of creating meal plans. My journey into software development stemmed from a simple realization – many of our clients expect and value meal plans. It was actually a client who said to me “It’s okay for you, you have a good understanding of nutrition and know what to eat; for me though, a lot of this stuff is overwhelming. A meal plan offers me more support to implement what we have just discussed.”

During my years of practice, I conducted client satisfaction surveys and consistently found clients expected a meal plan as part of our service. This wasn't just about handing them a sheet of paper with prescribed meals; it was about meeting their expectations and providing a tangible, actionable guide. The obstacle, however, was the time and financial viability of creating these plans. At the time, there were no software solutions that made this task easy.

Critics argue that creating meal plans isn't the quintessence of dietetics. Early on, I was one of those critics. My fallback statement was “It’s better for me to teach you how to do it yourself, rather than follow a meal plan.” But people want fast and easy. This is why the weight loss surgery, supplement, and Weight Loss Shake industries have flourished. If it takes too long or is too hard, humans opt for easy. Would you want someone to paint your house, or have them teach you how to paint your house? I know what I would want. If you’re not like me though and enjoy painting, what if the painter could teach you to paint while painting your house at the same time? Worth a thought.

For me though, my anti-meal plan stance was an excuse or defence mechanism for not providing meal plans because I couldn’t. It wasn’t an option because it was such a painful task that took hours of work, without adequate financial return. Something had to change though. There was an element of my practice that was not client-centred. If my clients wanted a meal plan, I needed to provide them somehow.  

I was amazed at a comment on social media this week that said “Meal plans are not what dietitians do”. Why not??? Our role isn't confined to offering advice and education; it's about providing comprehensive support. A well-crafted meal plan is a powerful tool. It's a roadmap that guides clients through the complex journey of nutrition and health. Surely we can educate our clients, provide support, and provide a meal plan at the same time. I’ve had amazing feedback from clients who have loved their meal plans. They have achieved great outcomes partly thanks to having a meal plan.

Another argument often raised is that it's unlikely a client will follow a meal plan. But is that really the point? The essence of a meal plan is to offer a framework, a starting point from which clients can learn and adapt. It's a resource, akin to the other educational materials we provide, designed to extend our support beyond the confines of our consultation. These plans offer value, serving as a practical application of the knowledge we impart. They are a manifestation of our expertise, tailored to individual needs.


From my experience, when clients feel heard and perceive value in our consultations, they are more likely to return. This not only fosters better results for them but also contributes to the sustainability of our practices. Ignoring their desire for meal plans is not just a disservice to them but a missed opportunity for us as professionals.

The debate on meal plans in nutrition reflects our evolving industry. It’s a conversation about adapting to client needs and technological advancements. I stand by the belief that meal plans are a vital component of our toolkit, one that empowers our clients and enhances our practice. They are not the only tool in our amazing toolbox, but a crucial one that lets our clients feel heard and supported. After all, isn't our ultimate goal to serve our clients in the best way possible?





Test drive MEALZEE the time-saving meal-planning solution for health professionals. 



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