How Much Should I Charge to Build a Client Meal Plan?

how much to charge for a meal plan training meal plan weight loss meal plan Oct 18, 2023
How much should I charge to build a meal plan?
This is a question I get asked whenever I demo MEALZEE.
"How much should I charge for a meal plan?"
I know people charging more than $200 for the service, while others build it into their consults or memberships.

I personally charge $97 for a standalone meal plan.

There are a number of factors like demographics and client base that will determine the cost. What can the client afford Vs what your time is worth?

My advice would be to create a complicated meal plan and see how long it takes to create it. Then work out your desired hourly rate (not your hourly rate, but what you think you should be charging), then create a price from there.

If you haven't worked out your desired hourly rate, here's how you can (I've created a simple calculator below save you time):

Let's say you want to earn $200K per year.
You want 4 weeks' holiday, plus public holidays off so you'll work about 46 weeks in the year.
You may only have (or want) 20 billable hours per week (factoring in admin and marketing etc).
This equates to 920 billable hours per year you will work (20 hours/week x 46 weeks per year).
So to work out your desired hourly rate you would divide $200K/920 = $217. Rounded off to $220.
So if a meal plan takes 15 minutes to create you might charge $55. You might want to add a little more to that figure to account for email support, but that is up to you. If the meal plan takes you longer, then you charge more.

If you'd like to use our simple calculator to work out what you should charge clients for creating meal plans, click below:
If you'd like to create a meal plan in less than 5 min, check out what MEALZEE has to offer.


Test drive MEALZEE the time-saving meal-planning solution for health professionals. 



This is a sample of what you could provide to your clients. 

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